When it comes to creating a Curriculum Vitae (CV), one of the biggest debates is whether to include a photo or not. Some argue that including a photo can help humanize the application and make it more eye-catching, while others argue that a photo can lead to discrimination and biased attitudes.

There are no clear guidelines or standards when it comes to including a photo in a CV. It often depends on the industry and the culture of the country you are applying to. For example, it may be common to include a photo in a CV in certain European countries, while it may be uncommon or even unacceptable in other parts of the world.

The advantages of including a photo in your CV can be that it gives the employer a face to associate with your name, and it can help you stand out in an application process with many applicants. It can also contribute to creating a sense of personal connection and trust between you and the employer.

On the other hand, there can also be disadvantages to including a photo in your CV. It can lead to discrimination based on appearance, race, or gender, and it can also lead the employer to form biased attitudes before having a chance to evaluate your qualifications.

If you decide to include a photo in your CV, you should make sure that it is a professional photo that presents you in a good light. You should avoid selfies and other informal pictures and choose a photo taken by a professional photographer or a photo taken in a professional setting.

If you decide not to include a photo in your CV, you should also make sure that you are consistent in your decision. If you submit a CV without a photo to an employer, you should do the same for all your job applications.

In conclusion, it can be said that there are no clear answers as to whether one should include a photo in their CV or not. It is up to you to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of including a photo and decide what is best for you and your job application. Regardless of what you choose, you should make sure that your CV is professional, carefully considered, and tailored to the position you are applying for.